About Us
From sharing the same room of an engineering hostel to sharing a dream of making an eyewear brand that provides a fashionable, most affordable, and qualitative way to solve the vision problems faced by 1/3 of our population in a very customer friendly manner these three mates after getting the real-time experience by dealing with the problems faced by customers in the eyewear industry face to face founded “SPECSVIEW” in 2022 to revolutionize the eyewear sector of India.
India has the largest number of people in the world who are suffering from vision problems and they don’t have easy access and knowledge about eyewear.
So SPECSVIEW aims to not only provide high-quality eyewear even in the remote areas of India at a budget-friendly price but also wants to educate the people about vision problems and how to cure them.
To build a family in which each and every member:-
⦁ Have access to high-quality designer glasses at an unbelievable pocket-friendly price.
⦁ Fully educated about vision problems.
⦁ Can enjoy the best ever service & customer support throughout their journey.
⦁ Can avail the fashionable & best in class products at very first.
So we here at SPECSVIEW with our tech-enabled platform provide the modern eyewear which is the best value for your hard-earned money by keeping the quality, fashion, and service in a way customers will fall in love with us.
We are also fully determined to reach each and every corner of India even the remote ones so that each and every person gets a proper vision correction with keeping quality, price, and fashion in mind.
⦁ Budget-friendly prices
⦁ Quick & free delivery
⦁ Top-notch quality
⦁ Latest fashion & premium designs
⦁ Service and support that you will love